8th Baccalaureate/8th Graduation

Eighth grade Baccalaureate is a Church service held shortly before Graduation. Students and their families attend this service where the salutatorians present speeches to the congregation. Eighth grade Graduation is the culmination of our students’ SML education. Student valedictorians send off their classmates with inspiring and sentimental words of encouragement as our 8th graders proudly…

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8th Grade Student of the Month/Lion’s Cards

At the end of weekly chapel, K-8th students are nominated by their teachers and presented with Lion’s Cards in front of the school. Even Leo the Lion himself comes out to congratulate them! Additionally, we see those 8th grade students who stand out, and we honor them monthly with a certificate and a book presented…

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Talent Show/Awards Assemblies

Do you have talent? Students may volunteer as a solo or group act to sing, dance, or play a musical instrument at this end-of-the-year Talent Show. Another way that students’ achievements are honored is at the semester Awards Assembly. We recognize those who have made improvements over the course of that semester, are tops academically,…

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Back to School Night/Open House

Welcoming our parents to Back to School Night at the onset of the school year allows the teachers to explain our academic goals and expectations. Towards the end of the year, Open House opens the school doors at night allowing students to proudly display their work to their families.

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On Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math Day, we explore each of these academic areas. Upper grade students assist younger students with science experiments under the tutelage of the teachers. Our most anticipated STEAM event is the Rocket Launch conducted by the 8th graders.

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Poetry Festival/History Bowl/Spelling Bee

Memorizing poetry stanzas, displaying knowledge of history, or understanding the nuances of spelling is not a lost art. We hold a Poetry Festival each year open to all grade levels, while qualified 5th-8th graders participate in the annual History Bowl. Our in-school Spelling Bee sends our SML champion to compete at the Regional Spelling Bee…

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Leadership Event

Through our Leadership Academy, we teach even our youngest students how to navigate through life as faithful servants of God. Embracing the belief that our students can be a positive change in the world, the annual leadership event exposes the K-8th graders to various leadership opportunities and inspiring role models.

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Fun & Fitness

Combining physical fitness with fun exercise activities allows the SML students a day off from the classroom. From inflatables to Zumba to Yoga to field games, students eagerly anticipate this annual major school fundraiser that takes place during the fall each year.

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Weekly Chapel/Goal-Setting

Students and Staff lead the weekly Chapel service with scripture readings and by singing to praise God. Each class takes a turn conducting the service during the school year. Once a month after Chapel, small groups of 5th–8th grade students meet with a Staff Advisor to discuss academic and life goals.

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