

For our music-minded students, there are quite a few “note-worthy” activities. Band is open to any students in 4th-8th grade that are interested in learning how to play an instrument or already know how to play one. Typically, there is a Beginning Band for novices and a Concert Band for the intermediate to advanced musicians. These students meet in the mornings to practice, and they participate in the annual Fun & Fitness Day Opening Ceremony, various chapel and church services throughout the year, and in a recital with the handbell choir.

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Handbell Choir

While all the SML Junior High students learn to play handbells in music class, any 4th-8th grader that shows further interest in the instrument can join one of our Handbell Choirs. Practicing either before or after school, these students prepare to play in various chapel and church services throughout the year, in a recital with the school band, and even attend a Lutheran School Music Festival held at Concordia University in Irvine.


Praise Band

Combining musical staff and students, the SML Praise Band leads the weekly chapel services here at St. Mark’s. Students in any grade may join as a singer or an instrumentalist, playing guitar, bass, keyboard, or percussion. Meeting before school, the Praise Band also participates in the 8th Grade Baccalaureate Service.


Drama Club

The SML Drama Club is open to all 6th-8th graders interested in learning more about improvisation, acting, and overall performing. The group meets after school to work on these skills and prepares a Night of One Acts to present live for an audience.



As part of the Junior High activity period each week, 8th grade students can opt to join the Yearbook team for the school year. These students learn much about photography and design as they take pictures and work on the layout of the annual yearbook.